Larry's Travels

Retired photographer and graphic artist enjoying travel.

Location: Palm Desert, California, United States

Monday, December 04, 2006

November 29

Well, we have breatfast this am and started for the border of Laos at
Chong Mec. Unloaded the baggage, wnet through Tahi immigration and then Laos immmegation and paid for Visa on arrival and off we went. We are now in a van racing at 45 mph toward the Cambodia border. If we are lucky we can make in one day but maybe have to spend the night inh Laos.

Yestewry was rather uneventful with Allen not feeling good after a 6 mile hike up 600 feet to see an early Cambodian temple much like Angkor style. The access to what was really four temples has easier access from the Cambodian side. The first temple has 162 steps reminiscent of of the Great Wall of China with very large steps and very uneven intervals. Not easy to navigate. Past the first temple it didn’t get easier. We did make it to the top with the help of 16-17 year-olds as guides. They really wsatne use to buy their postcards but since we make our own they just told us where to walk. We did pay attention to the signs thqt identified mine fields that were cleared. Smart us!!!! The French have done a very good job of paying for the clearing of most mine fields in Cambodia but still have a lot of site to clear.

The ride here is fine passing a lot of smallout houses with cattle and chickens along the road. Our drives and her co-pilot is a woman and they seem very nice. We have a four hour ride and al least have AC.


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